Willa Lentza 3D Video Mapping
3D Video Mapping
3D Animation
Content Production
Designers: Bartosz Wójcicki, Radosław Deruba, Jakub Cwajda
3D modelling: Łukasz Cylejowski
Music and sound production: Robert Ostiak
Technical coordination: Mateusz Nawalany-Smith
Tech Support: Aram.eu
In this project we show how, despite the client's strongly defined narrative and technical complexity of 3D mapping, it is still possible to maintain your original style while using the unique shape of the building, i.e. Lentz villa. The project was carried out in cooperation with the cultural institution Willa Lentza in Szczecin.
The main theme of the animation is number 1888 – the year when the construction of the villa began and many groundbreaking cultural events had place. The façade, as a collection of fragmented architectural elements full of details, has been transformed into a moving machine showing selected moments in history which modify its shape. Art trends were presented through groups of representatives, photos and portraits of artists which were brought to life using AI. The audience learns about writers, inventors, painters, famous places and finally the founder of the villa, August Lentz.
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